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  3. Xandra Character Creator
  4. Creating & Using Character Appearances

Creating & Using Character Appearances

To create a new Custom Character Appearance, follow these steps:

  1. In UE 5.0 and above, Click Settings in the content browser and select Show Plugin Content to access the Character creator content including Maps etc.
  2. Open the Plugins/XANDRA Character Creator Content/XANDRA/CharacterCreator/Scenes/Lvl Character Creator In-Editor scene and click Play
  3. Use the available options to customise your character’s hair, makeup, body and face.
  4. Type a name for your custom appearance (must not contain spaces or special characters) and click Save.
  5. A Character Appearance .xchar file will have been created on disk (CustomCharacterFiles folder). This text file contains the IDs of each wardrobe item used and slider values.
  6. Edit the appearance by selecting it in the drop down, make changes and click save when done.

To use your Custom Character Appearance in a blueprint follow these steps:

  1. Create an Actor blueprint that inherits from BP_XANDRACustomChar
  2. Select the custom appearance you made in the Appearance drop down in the Details tab of your BP_XANDRACustomChar.
  3. Use the Actor as desired in your scene

In the Example_CustomEditorCharacters folder, you can find some example blueprints which have had their Appearance set.