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  4. Enabling & Disabling the Uncensored Addon

Enabling & Disabling the Uncensored Addon

The Uncensored Addon can be found here

This addon brings additional uncensored anatomical elements to any Xandra Characters, or Xandra Character Creator.

To install:

  • Merge the content folder with your own project
  • Choose “No” to overriding existing files.

The Artstation Deluxe edition comes with the Uncensored addon included by default. To disable it, go to XANDRA/Characters/WardrobeItems and move or delete the Nude and Bikini wardrobes.

For the older UE4 version instead go to XANDRA/CharacterCreator/WardrobeItems and remove the Nude and Bikini wardrobes from ActiveWardrobes

If you own the Deluxe version on the Epic Games Marketplace, this does not include the uncensored addon or bikini only due to Epic Games content restrictions. Please email us with a copy of your invoice at xandra3d@outlook.com to request a copy of the uncensored addon.
