Full outfits are a feature that allow you to make clothing outfits take up several slots – for example, a body suit that covers the torso and legs – preventing the user from selecting other conflicting outfit items.
To set up a full outfit
- Open the FullOutfits data table
- Add a row and give it a unique Row Name and DisplayName
- Under Items, add the mesh for the outfit with one of the outfit slots (e.g. Torso), and then add an additional empty mesh for every additional slot you want the outfit to cover. For example, following setup is for the Eden dress in the Deluxe edition which covers the Torso and Legs slots.

- Expand ‘Available For These Body Types’ and ensure the body type(s) (male, female) that you want the outfit to show up for have been added.
- Save and close. The new outfit should now appear in the editor.